Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saxophone player in the making?

Lots of pictures today. I couldn't resist taking/posting them. She was SOOO into her "saxophone" (that's what she said it was) playing and the "dancing" that apparently goes with it. (And yes, I am aware that the instrument she is 'playing' is in fact a cheap, purple recorder and not a saxophone. I was also incredibly aware of the fact that she is in a bathing suit, by the pool, playing her little heart out (LOUDLY) with absolutely NO tune.)

Getting really into the music here...

Very intense...

That kid...she will be famous one day. I tell you watch and see. (Most likely NOT for saxophone playing...but whatever.)


Monday, March 18, 2013 won't buy them

Jilliane is always begging for fancy underwear. (or underweers as she says) However, my mom is not willing to spend extra money on "fancy" underwear with the specific designs Jilly wants. So, Jilliane gets the Hanes 10-pack.

The other day, while doing laundry, I came across THIS pair of underwear.

She had decorated them with fabric paint. The front says 'Jilly' with a lot of dots. 

The back...well....she evidently tried to create dots...but, attempted that while the front had not dried. So....they didn't come out as intended.

But...they were fancy. And that's what matters. 

Makes me least she tries.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Paper That Makes You Smile

Jilliane's artwork never fails to make me smile. Her concentration, devotion, attention to details, imagination, coloring, and the scene itself (if there is one...) always makes me smile. Always.

The dinosaurs are saying, "Let's get fed." and "Grrr." 
'I love you momy and dady.'
I call this "THE FLAP HOUSE" don't know what this is supposed to be....
Self Portrait = long neck + eye that got water in it. 
She told me this was Sam, the green giant.
Our family. (Minus her sisters...thanks A LOT, Jilliane. Love you too.)
Haunted house. "Entur if you dar"
Our dog...not sure what the dog is doing...

Makes me laugh...
