Friday, April 26, 2013

Not today

During the summer, I have Jilliane write/do math to keep up her skills for the upcoming school year. (And so she isn't a slug in front of the TV the whole summer. Because she would be if we let her....And to keep her occupied for a couple minutes.)

Sometimes, she tests my patience with the whole "I-don't-know-how-to-do-this act" or the "I'm-too-tired-to-write-but-not-too-tired-to-jump-around-and-scream-like-a-crazy-kid act" or even the "I-don't-know-how-to-read-suddenly" attitude.

So, one day, after a huge bout of complaining...she quiets down and I see her writing.

I look over and find this:

Oh Jilliane....what to do with you?


Saturday, April 20, 2013

JJ, the Robot

Jilliane created a robot for school. He consists of (LOTS of) duct tape, a box, 2 Coke cans, 2 water bottle caps, and who knows what else.

Meet JJ.

This was Jilliane's reason for his name: "Well, he is made out of junk and he is mine." ('Mine' meaning the "J" in her name.)

His arm. Duct (or "duck" tape according to Jilly.) tape and a Coke can. :)
Inside of the flap. 
Inside of box. A self 'distruct' button...just in case. 
This box covered another button...not sure what it does, but it says 'fli'. Oh!! Maybe that makes it fly...

As usual, her details crack me up...


Friday, April 12, 2013

Sad day

Our beloved fish died. His name was Goldie. He was a dear friend to everyone...wait, just Jilliane...because he was a fish. He was found under the dining room table, in Zac's lair. Evidently, he jumped out of the tank and the 3-legged dog got to him...Goldie didn't make it and was nice and rubbery when found. Jilliane proceeded to have a melt-down. A funeral was held.

She found a wooden box, decorated it, and placed Goldie inside. I got yelled at by her for laughing. Ooops....

After she retrieved her tools, she took awhile finding a good spot for his burial. 
She dug one of the most shallow holes ever and then realized it wouldn't work, so she dug deeper. 

Jilliane patted it and was silent the whole time. (I didn't think I would ever type the words 'Jilliane' and 'silent' in the same sentence....)

His box was very well decorated. It says: Goldie, 2013, April 6, and good luck. There is Goldie, cushioned by her loving notes and toilet paper. 

 "Jilliane loves you Goldie."  "I will miss you forever!!!" (This was complete with a sad face with many tears coming out of it) and "Goldie: pretty, silly, loveing, Jilliane, funny" I think she scratched out fish...not sure. She really knew much as you can know a fish...

 And here it is. His grave site. Later, she was trying to find a rock for his gravestone...

It was a sad day. 
So, because the Hopes get over grief having to do with fish very quickly, the next day we got 3 more of which she named LaFawnda...(off of Napoleon Dynamite)

She makes me laugh...even in her mourning...


Monday, April 8, 2013

Kimberly, you need to do better

"The toilet paper at my school is really bad. Like at the beach. It's made by the same lady- Kimberly Clark."

Apparently, the toilet paper that Kimberly makes isn't the best...Kimberly needs to do a better job. Jilliane isn't satisfied. (but, she's reading labels :))

This goodness...
