Jilliane is quite a question-asker. Many people ask questions. They're good. It's how we learn. (When she asks a particularly 'questionable' one, I write it down and transfer it to the blog later.) Here is a collection of some of the random questions Jilly asks:
"Can you get lice in your eyebrows?"
"Do you want to play communion with us?"
Jilliane: "Is there a song called 'Boom Boom Dollar'?"
Mom: "Um...I haven't heard of it. I don't think so..."
Jilliane: "Well, can we listen to it?"
"Where do you get pregnant mannequins?"
"Is it bad to drive over a grave?"
"Does it hurt to get your tongue cut, like a snake?"
"Why did I wear flip flops? PAUSE. "Why do people ask questions they maybe do or don't know the answer to?"
"Wait....motorcycles have license plates?!?"
"Mom, how old were you in the eighties? Did you ever see a guy with a giant afro poking his hair?"
"Can you put a wiener dog in a purse?"
At the dinner table: "Daddy, if you were really rich...what type of bath tub would you have?"
In the car: "What does a baby lion look like when it gets out of its mom's tummy? Is it pink?"
"How does weather work?"
Jilliane: "Why does your mouth have to be wet?"
Mom: "I don't know..."
Jilliane: "Well, you should. You're an adult."
"Why do a lot of elderly people like applesauce?"
"Is Wells Fargo good?" (as in a good restaurant...we were discussing where to eat.)
"Dad, did you go to school in a one-room school house?"
"You know how cowboys shoot their guns into the air? Well, where does the bullet go?"
"Can we go to Cinemark to watch a three-hour movie?" (Three hour movie....okay???)
"SERIOUSLY?!? IT IS 10:00?!? *pauses and is quiet for a minute* "Is that late?"
"You know how I get quiet when I am mad?" (This was only funny because of how ridiculously untrue it was...that child....my goodness...)
I thought this picture totally perfects the post...the entire blog, actually...:)
Anyone know how to answer all these?