1. "It would be cool to find a dead skunk, cut it open, and then find the stink pouch."
2. "Only one of my legs is cold."
3. "I think Uncle R. gets sunburned so easily on his head because it is the tallest thing."
4. "I couldn't find a punk hat...so..." (Puts on sea-foam green Cozumel hat)
5. "Guys, I have a new password. Y'all want to know it? It is ####."
6. (My mom was talking about how something would cost $125 to fix.) "It's almost like a trip to Wal-Mart. You're fine, Mom." (We rarely shop at Wal-Mart, so this was really random.)
7. "My feet are cold...It feels like my blood is a rock."
8. "My room is clean. I feel like a normal girl now."
9. "Sometimes, I think he [Zac, our dog] is just an alien. Because he is SO weird..."
10. "I can hear her [Dixie's, our dog's] blood flow. It's louder on her neck."
11. "It would be so weird if a snake slithered into my bathing suit and laid three eggs." (Yes, Jilliane...that would be weird...)
12. "Instead of playing in the playhouse, let's put on these socks and be ballerinas!"
13. "It's like I am a ribbon ninja......"
14. "You know, shiny pennies are from a spell from the Easter bunny." (I don't know where she came up with this idea...)
15. "I wish we could turn our heads all the way around."
So odd...