Tuesday, June 24, 2014


1. "Did you know if you put a water bottle on your nose for long time it hurts?"

2. "Mom, if people were made out of do-nuts would you eat them?"

3. "How do people know what you mean when you use your tongue?" (Like, with an angry-stick-your-tongue-out-face?)

4. "Wouldn't it be cool if we dug through Earth to the other side and into space? We would have to go through lava though..."

5. "Mom, may I grow an extra finger?" (She was asking for permission...)

6. "Why do people think of dead people with their tongue hanging out? Like this!"

7. "Why is a bottom called a bottom if it isn't at the bottom of your body?"

8. "Daddy, have you ever used a urinal?" *laughs*

9. "Is switching houses illegal?"

10. "What does a review even mean...?"
