Many of Jilliane's dolls are up for adoption. (Any takers? If so, just call our TV remote number.)
She told me she had to wear an apron because it's hard work.
And, yes, her tongue is out...hard work. |
When she takes the time to bring out every doll she owns, our game room turns into an orphanage. All blankets and bins (for cribs) make an appearance. The couches become cribs, the remote becomes a phone, stuffed animals bigger than dolls become toys, etc.
Every doll is given a name tag above his/her crib. A giant pile of doll clothes gets used over and over. Many "diapers" are changed and many meals are fed.
But, what cracks me up the most...are the calls she gets from "people wanting to adopt". Some of her sides of the conversations go like this...
"Hi, this is Jilliane."
"Uh huh..."
"No!!! You can't have ten babies!!!"
"Hi, this is Jilliane."
"Yes, we have three girls with blonde hair."
"Um....nooooo, they already HAVE names."
"NO!! Goodbye!" *rolls eyes*
"Hi, this is Jilliane."
*silence for awhile*
(Later, I learn that the lady that called was a BAD lady. She was in jail and was mean and tried to kidnap a baby. And she was smoking.)
She knows quite a bit for just having a phone conversation...
Jilliane, with almost every doll. |