Saturday, August 25, 2012

How to reply?

Jilliane never fails to surprise me with the things she says.
Sometimes, shes been thinking for awhile. Other times, it just pops into her mind and she talks...and sometimes they are just honest, curious questions.

And many, many times...I have no idea how to reply. 

Just so you know, all of these were COMPLETELY random...

"When I grow old with my husband, if he dies before me, I want to bury him in my backyard. That way, I can always be close to him."

"Those are two very lonely clouds...just sitting there by themselves."

Jilliane: "I've always want to be re-al country..."
Me: "Really? Like a redneck?"
Jilliane: "No, just real country, you know...real."*in country accent*

"There is water all around us, isn't there?"

"Why can't clouds just be made of cotton?"

Jilliane: "Man, I wish I was born in California."
Me: "Why?"
Jilliane: "I don't know, it would just be fun to be born there."

"I want to shoot a deer."

 "Caroline, I have eight kids."

"I can only burp my ABCs up to Q!!" (She has never done this...this is a lie.)

Jilliane: "Madeleine, are you going to wear anything red to church?"

Me: ", I don't think so..why?"
Jilliane: "I don't know, just asking."

"I'm SOOO glad this jacket has a hoodie. Because, one time it was raining and everyone was screaming but me."

"Madeleine, if you got married to a guy, he would be my uncle, right?"

"Did you know that when you're bald, you HAVE to wash your hair with oil? It's just normal to do that, you know?" (Ironic, I know...)

Oh Jilliane...


1 comment:

  1. Jilliane: "Mom, why doesn't God have a wife?"
    Mom: "Well, I guess he doesn't really need one."
    Jilliane: "Well, if he did have a wife, I think she would be the nicest lady in the world."
