Friday, July 19, 2013


"How can you tell someone is Amish?"

"Why aren't horses in the zoo?"

After being asked to do a favor, "I have a question. Why is it that when people ask for a favor, they don't stop and wait for an answer? They just keep talking and tell you what to do anyways!"

 "How many calories does it take to kill you?"

"Did clowns come out in the 80's? Because they have huge afros..."

"How do you get brain freeze?"

"Is dust a plant?"

"Madeleine, would you like an exotic dot?" (Some little dot stickers she had...)

"Why do kidnappers usually have black cars?" (We couldn't understand why she thought black cars...I have always thought white van...)

"Will your contacts grow back if you put them in water?" (This was after I had torn one of mine.)

We were in the car and it was quiet. She wasn't doing anything and randomly said, "What's the five letter word?"

"Why aren't apples hairy?" (um...why would they be?)

"Aren't you so glad we don't have cats to chase the yarn?"

"Someday, if we have dry macaroni, can I make a brain out of it? And if there is edible glue, then eat it?

She is so odd...


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