Tuesday, June 24, 2014


1. "Did you know if you put a water bottle on your nose for long time it hurts?"

2. "Mom, if people were made out of do-nuts would you eat them?"

3. "How do people know what you mean when you use your tongue?" (Like, with an angry-stick-your-tongue-out-face?)

4. "Wouldn't it be cool if we dug through Earth to the other side and into space? We would have to go through lava though..."

5. "Mom, may I grow an extra finger?" (She was asking for permission...)

6. "Why do people think of dead people with their tongue hanging out? Like this!"

7. "Why is a bottom called a bottom if it isn't at the bottom of your body?"

8. "Daddy, have you ever used a urinal?" *laughs*

9. "Is switching houses illegal?"

10. "What does a review even mean...?"


Monday, January 6, 2014


1. "I wish lava was cold instead of hot."

2. "I wanna be a vegetarian. But, I can still hunt...I just won't eat them..."

3. "No, capri pants are for french weasels."

4. "I love tearing rose petals."

5. "I smell like smoke and I like it."

6. "Never eat a banana that moves."

7. "It would be cool if the moon was pink."

8. "Paper books are SOOOO last generation!"

9. "I wonder if it hurts laying an egg."

10. "I feel like petting my Yeti right now..." (A stuffed animal...)

11. "Hold on...let me check my belly button..."

12. "Caroline...if you don't play with me right now, I am going to put the dog outside on the porch!" (It was raining at the time...)

13. Talking about a zoo: "I think you could see a pet dingo but not a dead grandmother."

14. "I wanna go to court."

15. "If you want to call him (her pretend husband from long ago) Colorado, that is MISTER Colorado to you, Madeleine."

She is SUCH a weirdo...


Friday, November 1, 2013

In a nutshell

Jilliane in a nutshell. 


She giggled so hard about this. It was extremely hard to get her to sit still for this picture.

Here she is singing and conducting like at church. :)

Here is "Jilliane the gangster". I know, scary. And I have to live with her...

This is just scary...again...lol...

(For those of you at church: She will kill me at her senior banquet:))

Yep...we pretty much laugh all the time...


Friday, September 20, 2013

Bountiful Balloons

So, I threw a surprise party last weekend for a friend. We blew up many balloons and Jilliane helped and had fabulous fun blowing them up (and letting plenty of them go for the fun noise).

After the party, I noticed that we really didn't have many balloons left over. Hm...odd. No big deal. A couple days later, I ventured into Jilliane's room and found twelve of these little guys. 

She had taken twelve balloons, in multiple trips (I'm guessing 4 trips of 3 balloons each?), up the stairs, to her room, and then decorated them with a Sharpie and named each one of them. (Except for one. She just said it was blank. Gave no reason...)

She wrote each one's name on the base of the balloon. 
Their names: JJ WattS, Mike Wasowski, Blurp, Willy Nilly, Max, Franklin, Buddy, Mub (my favorite), Lexi, Eyeball, and Captain Smith.

Her she is with her balloon buddies.

This child is just so odd.


Thursday, August 22, 2013


1. "It would be cool to find a dead skunk, cut it open, and then find the stink pouch."

2. "Only one of my legs is cold."

3. "I think Uncle R. gets sunburned so easily on his head because it is the tallest thing."

4. "I couldn't find a punk hat...so..." (Puts on sea-foam green Cozumel hat)

5. "Guys, I have a new password. Y'all want to know it? It is ####."

6. (My mom was talking about how something would cost $125 to fix.) "It's almost like a trip to Wal-Mart. You're fine, Mom."  (We rarely shop at Wal-Mart, so this was really random.)

7. "My feet are cold...It feels like my blood is a rock."

8. "My room is clean. I feel like a normal girl now."

9. "Sometimes, I think he [Zac, our dog] is just an alien. Because he is SO weird..."

10. "I can hear her [Dixie's, our dog's] blood flow. It's louder on her neck."

11. "It would be so weird if a snake slithered into my bathing suit and laid three eggs." (Yes, Jilliane...that would be weird...)

12. "Instead of playing in the playhouse, let's put on these socks and be ballerinas!"

13. "It's like I am a ribbon ninja......"

14. "You know, shiny pennies are from a spell from the Easter bunny." (I don't know where she came up with this idea...)

15. "I wish we could turn our heads all the way around."

So odd...


Monday, July 29, 2013

Anyone hiring?

Here is a collection of jobs that Jilliane has mentioned (at some point over the years) she wants to do. Not do all of them...she just changes careers. :)

1. Lawyer (She is going to get rich and buy "a car with a roof that comes off." Also, she declares that she is a great arguer, so it is a good job for her.)

2. Doctor

3. Teacher

4. Pricing lady (Referring to what my mom does for a living :))

5. Fishing guide

6. Not a surgeon (Because "I will get nauseous when I see a cut and stuff.")

7. Not a "night-watcher"

8. Succulent farmer. And, as a succulent farmer, she says she will give her mom ones for free for her garden.(She is in love with succulents, or any plants that hold water. She likes saying the word, she likes watching them grow, she likes feeling them, and she is fascinated with the fact that you can rip off a leaf, plant it and it will root and grow. She has many growing in her little garden areas. "I just love succulents! They are so squishy and cool.")

9. Fossilologist  (She found a few fossils while geo-caching...new career change!)

10. "A person that has animals and does tests on them"

11. An orange picker (Because she is going to climb trees and she can pick oranges for money.)

12. Meteorologist (She loves rain and being the expert on when it will rain.)

13. Veterinarian

14. NOT an instrument player. (She "gets out of breath too much.")

15. A scientist (So she can do lots of experiments.)

The girl has some dreams. :)


Friday, July 19, 2013


"How can you tell someone is Amish?"

"Why aren't horses in the zoo?"

After being asked to do a favor, "I have a question. Why is it that when people ask for a favor, they don't stop and wait for an answer? They just keep talking and tell you what to do anyways!"

 "How many calories does it take to kill you?"

"Did clowns come out in the 80's? Because they have huge afros..."

"How do you get brain freeze?"

"Is dust a plant?"

"Madeleine, would you like an exotic dot?" (Some little dot stickers she had...)

"Why do kidnappers usually have black cars?" (We couldn't understand why she thought black cars...I have always thought white van...)

"Will your contacts grow back if you put them in water?" (This was after I had torn one of mine.)

We were in the car and it was quiet. She wasn't doing anything and randomly said, "What's the five letter word?"

"Why aren't apples hairy?" (um...why would they be?)

"Aren't you so glad we don't have cats to chase the yarn?"

"Someday, if we have dry macaroni, can I make a brain out of it? And if there is edible glue, then eat it?

She is so odd...
