Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fish Smack

Jilliane has caught a few fish and she loves fishing...then, she starts thinking she is an amazing fisherwoman.

Jilliane: (to Caroline and I)
"I can catch a meal, and you can't!" (This was after she caught 4 very, very small inedible fish.)

*in smug tone* "Yeah, I can catch fish. You just sit there, and when you feel one biting, you pull it up." She proceeded to explain how to put bait on a hook and how to "pull up a fish" in great detail.
What's ironic: We taught HER how to do this...

And then, another catch of an inedible fish. She was so proud...Jilliane, the little fisherwoman.

Makes me laugh. (And grit my teeth...because she DID catch more fish...)
