Saturday, June 29, 2013

Vitamin water?

Jilliane likes to....experiment sometimes.

Here she is trying to make 'Vitamin Water'. We have a jar of gummy vitamins and she decided to take two and put them in a medicine cup with water and see if it would turn into 'Vitamin Water'.
It failed. Miserably. Don't ask me where she gets her ideas or what goes through her head...

She makes me laugh...


Friday, June 21, 2013

Don't bother

It's a normal, lazy summer day. However, the house is quiet. Too quiet. Jilliane's room door is shut. Very suspicious. (We have had an open door only policy for awhile because of the experiments and other strange things she hid from her stash drawer...)

I open the door to find a clean (I KNOW, RIGHT? CLEAN?!?) bedroom with what I think is nobody in it. As I'm turning to leave, I hear the sound of TV. Jilliane has in fact closed herself in under her desk with pieces of a dollhouse and is watching TV on a device.

She has the entire room and house even...and she decides to hole herself up under her desk with very limited room...(Her head is bent because she has to and her knees touch both sides...)

That child is SO odd...


Monday, June 17, 2013

Jilliane ownly!

So, I walk into the kitchen and see the fridge, like any normal day. However, a bag of chips has been attached to it by a chip clip. Who ever could have done this?

The chips on fridge. (Left side, under ice dispenser)

She wrote in Sharpie, "Jilliane ownly!"

Apparently, it was Jilliane. And the next morning she walked into the kitchen, saw her chips and exclaimed, "I totally forgot about those!"

What a weirdo...


Thursday, June 6, 2013


Another collection of her random comments...

"Mom! Is this a blouse?!? Ohmygoodness! I've never worn a blouse before!! This is my first blouse!!!"

"When I get older, I'm gonna be a tree climber...and pick oranges for money."

"My favorite dots are the green ones." (She was eating a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and there are little, TINY, spices on them...that she calls dots. And, apparently her favorite ones are the green spices...I don't know how she can taste them

"That hole over there looks like where the Lorax came from." (Reference to Dr. Suess' book, The Lorax)

"I found out that it hurts really bad when you pluck hairs by your mouth. Only on top though..."

"Copy that, Roger."

"I wish I had a costume for a carrot." (She meant she desires a carrot costume. :))

"Mom, the ice cream has two humps in it. One for you and one for me."

"That tree looks like it is looking at me!!!"

"That guy's muscles are the size of daddy's head!"


While looking at a cracker and said in a dreamy voice, "It's like a square moon with craters..."

"I want to be like Daddy...Except I can't pee in a jug..."

While talking about New York and how she wouldn't want to live there: "But, when you go to sleep, it's like 'bing bing bing' all the time."

"I learned that one gallon is a couple quarts and pints and some other stuff..."

"Pirates know how to sleep with one eye open." (She told us this very matter-of-factly...)

"I've always wanted to be in a kangaroo pouch."

"I wish I had a costume for a carrot."

"I LOVE wearing bathing suits because I don't have to wear underwear with them."

Those are french fries:)
