Friday, August 31, 2012

Up for Adoption

Many of Jilliane's dolls are up for adoption. (Any takers? If so, just call our TV remote number.)

She told me she had to wear an apron because it's hard work.
And, yes, her tongue is out...hard work. 
When she takes the time to bring out every doll she owns, our game room turns into an orphanage. All blankets and bins (for cribs) make an appearance. The couches become cribs, the remote becomes a phone,  stuffed animals bigger than dolls become toys, etc.

Every doll is given a name tag above his/her crib. A giant pile of doll clothes gets used over and over. Many "diapers" are changed and many meals are fed.

But, what cracks me up the most...are the calls she gets from "people wanting to adopt". Some of her sides of the conversations go like this...

"Hi, this is Jilliane."
"Uh huh..."
"No!!! You can't have ten babies!!!"


"Hi, this is Jilliane."
"Yes, we have three girls with blonde hair."
"Um....nooooo, they already HAVE names."
"NO!! Goodbye!" *rolls eyes*


"Hi, this is Jilliane."
*silence for awhile*
(Later, I learn that the lady that called was a BAD lady. She was in jail and was mean and tried to kidnap a baby. And she was smoking.) 

She knows quite a bit for just having a phone conversation...

Jilliane, with almost every doll. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

How to reply?

Jilliane never fails to surprise me with the things she says.
Sometimes, shes been thinking for awhile. Other times, it just pops into her mind and she talks...and sometimes they are just honest, curious questions.

And many, many times...I have no idea how to reply. 

Just so you know, all of these were COMPLETELY random...

"When I grow old with my husband, if he dies before me, I want to bury him in my backyard. That way, I can always be close to him."

"Those are two very lonely clouds...just sitting there by themselves."

Jilliane: "I've always want to be re-al country..."
Me: "Really? Like a redneck?"
Jilliane: "No, just real country, you know...real."*in country accent*

"There is water all around us, isn't there?"

"Why can't clouds just be made of cotton?"

Jilliane: "Man, I wish I was born in California."
Me: "Why?"
Jilliane: "I don't know, it would just be fun to be born there."

"I want to shoot a deer."

 "Caroline, I have eight kids."

"I can only burp my ABCs up to Q!!" (She has never done this...this is a lie.)

Jilliane: "Madeleine, are you going to wear anything red to church?"

Me: ", I don't think so..why?"
Jilliane: "I don't know, just asking."

"I'm SOOO glad this jacket has a hoodie. Because, one time it was raining and everyone was screaming but me."

"Madeleine, if you got married to a guy, he would be my uncle, right?"

"Did you know that when you're bald, you HAVE to wash your hair with oil? It's just normal to do that, you know?" (Ironic, I know...)

Oh Jilliane...


Friday, August 17, 2012

Suitcase Surprises

We asked Jilliane to pack for a two day trip. This is what we find in a giant bag: 

She always packs TONS of Q-tips, but the scissors were new...
In addition, she packed every pair of earrings she owns. 

When we inquired about the scissors, she replied, "To pluck  my eyebrows, I'm just kidding. They are just in case somebody needs them." 
(Yes, pluck with scissors..not quite sure how well that would work)

I remind you, this was a two day/one night trip.

Oh, Jilliane...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Would You Trust Her With Children?

Jilliane loves to pretend to be a mom and talks about her "kids" and what she wants all the time. Which is perfectly fine, just funny...

She looks a little crazed here...
Jilliane: "I want two kids. A boy and a girl."
Me: "Well, you can't decide that. God does."
Jilliane:"Oh, I is just what I want. I want to see if people are right- boys are harder to take care of. (I don't know where she heard this.) And, I want to see all the weird things my kids will do, because Mommy and Daddy say I'm weird and so I can laugh."
Me: "Oh. Ok..."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Denver, Colorado

"But, please just call him Colorado."

This is what Jilliane tells me after introducing me to her husband, Denver Colorado. (Yes, that is his name. No, we have never been there.)

So, I continue talking to her and she tells me, "Yeah...he ALWAYS throws up. So, he has to sleep on the floor. I just can't stand it. Sooo gross."

Poor guy...At least she had some blankets on the floor next to her bed for him...

Gotta love her.


Monday, August 13, 2012

A Big Mess

Today, we decided to help Jilliane clean her room (a.k.a. The Pigsty). 

The GIGANTIC mess...

She has been being secretive lately and locking her door. So, Caroline and I didn't quite know what we were in for...These are just a few things we found...

A toothpick container. It was sitting nicely on her book shelf.

A feather duster she decapitated...I have no idea how, don't really want to know...

One of my mom's shoes...

An arrow, (WITHOUT the point) by her window.

Razors-This was scary...but, they had not been opened. She said she was just saving them for when she needs them...

Anyways, I had to take a break...I was truly amazed at some of the things I found. I really wonder WHAT goes through that child's mind....

Gotta love her. 


To: Jilliane

I created this blog because I realized that my sister, Jilliane (currently seven years old), is growing up very fast. I wanted to try and capture some of her moments that either made me laugh and just wonder or those times when I had to walk away to calm down. The times when I thought, "Surely, she is adopted..." or "maybe SOMEONE will take her."

But, my life would not be complete with out her and I love her more than she knows. 
