Saturday, April 20, 2013

JJ, the Robot

Jilliane created a robot for school. He consists of (LOTS of) duct tape, a box, 2 Coke cans, 2 water bottle caps, and who knows what else.

Meet JJ.

This was Jilliane's reason for his name: "Well, he is made out of junk and he is mine." ('Mine' meaning the "J" in her name.)

His arm. Duct (or "duck" tape according to Jilly.) tape and a Coke can. :)
Inside of the flap. 
Inside of box. A self 'distruct' button...just in case. 
This box covered another button...not sure what it does, but it says 'fli'. Oh!! Maybe that makes it fly...

As usual, her details crack me up...


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