Sunday, November 25, 2012

Her Skills

Jilliane has many skills. And, she tries out new ones all the time- which is great.

Just help me decide if decorating skills are in her favor...

Her door. She cut the animals out of a magazine and taped them.  That little square in the center, underneath the purple sign is a miniature picture of her. (see below) 
She has a total of four of these pictures on her door. They are school  pictures - but, samples.  She doesn't seem to mind the giant mark that says 'DO NOT COPY: PROOF PREVIEW'.

Her windowsill: A toothpick container (has made a reappearance), a green rock, a broken/ugly shell,  a mini ornament, a pearl, a dead plant, a salad dressing container (empty, thank goodness), a paperclip, and a skewer...All of this has been carefully placed. 

Everyone needs three random ribbons taped to their wall. Don't forget: different lengths/colors are better. And, the bookmarks: because the wall is a much better place than a book. (These were taped as well.)
I don't even know what to say...just that that is a plastic hand, and she painted its nails green...and its sitting in  a toy for her fake hamsters (because she can't be trusted with anything alive, see the above plant).

Top of her shelf: an empty bat that once held sunflower seeds, a bone she found in the woods, a fake flower, a baseball, a toy robin, and some floss. Then, the box: Its an i-have-no-idea-but-it-has-ribbons-covering-a-paint-sample-inside box. She also has some figurine and a drawing on top...

Her bookshelf: Contains a few books, but also a plastic swan with cough drops on its back, a bottle of glue, and some makeup bags.

Her room scares me so badly...
But, everything is in there for a reason. I don't know for what, but she's got big plans. BIG plans. 

Makes me laugh, 


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